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eBay Scam?

Last night I fell down the YouTube rabbit hole and ended up watching this video. It shows a coin collector who purchased 5 “random” grab bags from an eBay se...

forestFloor Visualization

A collaborator and I recently sumbitted a manuscript analyzing metabolomic data. Part of the analysis involed building a random forest model for classifying...

Fantasy Football Player Rankings

It’s Thanksgiving, and for many, that means sitting around with the family watching football after eating lots of turkey. It also means the fantasy football...

Sgt. Pepper’s Word Cloud

As my last post hinted at, I’ve been working on scraping Beatles lyrics from the web. I was never really able to fully automate the process since the links ...

Quirky rvest Behavior

I’ve recently started a new project which involves scraping lyrics from the web. As before with the World Cup data, I turned to rvest to obtain the data. How...